

清华大学招聘信息 清华大学 2021-12-22 00:13:03 人阅读



t cells play essential roles in immune response. we are studying t cells with two directions:

1. functional genomics in primary t cells

we are applying genome-wide crispr/cas9 screen in primary t cell in vivo to answer fundamental questions in t cell biology, including development, activation, proliferation and differentiation, as well as t cell fitness (e.g. exhaustion) in tumor microenvironment. identified novel genes and regulatory circuits have been used to design novel therapies for diseases.

2. mechanisms of metabolic regulation of t cells

metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of t cell activation, but how metabolic pathways regulate t cell function remains poorly understood. we are using mouse models with gain- and loss-of-function of key metabolic enzymes to decipher metabolic regulation t cell, and try to target metabolism to treat immune-related diseases.


1. hanfei zhao, ying liu, lixia wang, gang jin, xiaocui zhao, jing xu, guangyue zhang, yuying ma, na yin, min peng. genome-wide fitness gene identification reveals roquin as a potent suppressor of cd8 t cell expansion and anti-tumor immunity. cell reports. 2021 dec 7;37(10):110083.

2. ke xu*, na yin*, min peng, efstathios g stamatiades, sagar chhangawala, amy shyu, peng li, xian zhang, mytrang h do, kristelle j capistrano, chun chou, christina s leslie, ming o li. glycolytic atp fuels phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling to support effector t helper 17 cell responses. immunity. 2021. 54(5):976-87.

3. ke xu, na yin, min peng, efstathios g stamatiades, amy shyu, peng li, xian zhang, mytrang h do, zhaoquan wang, kristelle j capistrano, chun chou, andrew g levine, alexander y rudensky, ming o li. glycolysis fuels phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling to bolster t cell immunity. science. 2021.371(6527):405-10.

4. min peng*, na yin*, sagar chhangawala, ke xu, christina s. leslie, ming o. li. aerobic glycolysis promotes t helper 1 cell differentiation through an epigenetic mechanism. science. 2016 oct 28; 354(6311): 481-484.

preview in science, 2016 oct 28; 354(6311): 419-420. “warburg meets epigenetics”.

preview in dev cell, 2016 november 7;39: 286-287. “metabolic control of cellular differentiation”.

preview in cell metab, 2016 november 8; 24: 651-652. “metabolic signaling drives ifn-g”.

5. min peng, na yin, ming o. li. szt2 dictates gator control of mtorc1 signaling. nature. 2017 mar 16;543(7645):433-437.

6. min peng, na yin, ming o. li. sestrins function as guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors for rag gtpases to control mtorc1 signaling. cell. 2014 sep 25; 159(1): 122-33.









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